Showing 1–12 of 13 results
₹20.00 – ₹300.00
Acetem is a soluble powder containing Acetamiprid 20% W/W as an active ingredient and a balance of other relevant ingredients.
₹50.00 – ₹300.00
Actrela is broad spectrum systemic insecticide having quick stomach and contact action and contains 250g Thiamethoxam as an active ingredient in a kg of the product (w/w).
Carzeb WP
₹50.00 – ₹300.00
Carzeb WP is a wettable powder formulation with a unique broad spectrum, systemic & contact action. It can be used for both protective & curative purposes. Because of the dual effect of Mancozeb (63%) and Carbendazim (12%) combination, it provides excellent disease control for various important diseases on number of
₹200.00 – ₹500.00
Disfur is a water dispersible granule containing 80% sulphur as an active ingredient and balance adjuvants 20% W/W. Disfur is a contact fungicide.
Elanta M45
₹50.00 – ₹200.00
Elanta M45 is a contact fungicide of Di thiocarbamate group, which controls the growth of fungus and spread of disease in variety of crops.
Elaxyl 35
₹100.00 – ₹300.00
Elaxyl 35 is a systemic fungicide used for seed treatment against various fungal diseases in various crops.
Elaxyl M-64
₹50.00 – ₹200.00
Elaxyl M-64 is a wettable powder containing a mixture of the systemic fungicide Metalaxyl and the contact fungicide Mancozeb. It is a broad-spectrum fungicide that controls diseases through both preventive and curative action.
₹50.00 – ₹300.00
Elphos 71 is an Ammonium salt of Glyphosate 71% S.G. which is a non-selective, post-emergence herbicide for the control of annual perennial, broadleaf and grassy weeds
Inventa Super
₹50.00 – ₹300.00
Inventa Super is a broad-spectrum systemic fungicide of benzimidazole group. It acts by both protective and curative action.
Microns Amino Combi Powder (ACP)
₹50.00 – ₹200.00
It is an amino acid-based micronutrient fertilizer. It contains a natural form of chelating agent i.e. Amino acid – which acts as a carrier for vitamins, minerals, proteins, auxins and other micronutrients.
Pegus 50
₹50.00 – ₹300.00
Pegus 50 is a Broad-Spectrum Insecticide; it contains 500 g. Diafenthiuron as an active ingredient in a kg of the product (W/W).
₹50.00 – ₹500.00
Syndex is a systemic fungicide containing Myclobutanil as an active ingredient. Syndex is effective wettable powder formulation having dual action of preventing and controlling Powdery mildew.