Elphos 41 is a non - selective herbicide which contains Isopropyl amine salt of glyphosate 41% (W/W) and balance inert material and auxiliaries. Elphos 41 is effective against annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds of tea and non-cropped area.
Elphos 71 is an Ammonium salt of Glyphosate 71% S.G. which is a non-selective, post-emergence herbicide for the control of annual perennial, broadleaf and grassy weeds
Zencor is a selective herbicide for the control weeds in soybean, wheat, Sugarcane, Potato and Tomato crops. Zencor is a pre-emergent herbicide and can also be applied as early post. Zencor has broad spectrum control of both grasses and broad-leaf weeds.