Showing 1–12 of 42 results
₹50.00 – ₹500.00
Accel is a plant growth regulator which contains Triacontanol as an active ingredient in concentration of 0.1% EW. Accel increases the yield of Cotton, Chillie, rice, tomato and groundnut.
₹20.00 – ₹300.00
Acetem is a soluble powder containing Acetamiprid 20% W/W as an active ingredient and a balance of other relevant ingredients.
₹50.00 – ₹300.00
Actrela is broad spectrum systemic insecticide having quick stomach and contact action and contains 250g Thiamethoxam as an active ingredient in a kg of the product (w/w).
₹50.00 – ₹200.00
Ascent is a broad-spectrum systemic fungicide which effectively controls the diseases of crops. It is used both as curative and preventive for control of diseases in field crops and vegetables.
Atakill WP
Atakill WP is a copper based broad spectrum fungicide which controls the fungal as well as bacterial diseases by its contact action. It also effectively controls the fungus resistant to other fungicides. Due to its fine particles, it sticks to the leaves and helps to restrict the growth of the
₹50.00 – ₹500.00
Attain is a metabolic enhancer that contains Chlormequat Chloride 50% which stimulate & regulate the plant growth to give more yield and better quality.
Carzeb WP
₹50.00 – ₹300.00
Carzeb WP is a wettable powder formulation with a unique broad spectrum, systemic & contact action. It can be used for both protective & curative purposes. Because of the dual effect of Mancozeb (63%) and Carbendazim (12%) combination, it provides excellent disease control for various important diseases on number of
₹50.00 – ₹200.00
Confidel is a phenyl pyrazole insecticide having systemic and contact action. It has been proven to offer low dose, highly effective insect control against a broad range of economically important pests. Confidel is also found to be effective particularly for managing thrips. Confidel has unique mode of action allows it
₹50.00 – ₹200.00
Cyborg 505 is emulsifiable concentration containing active ingredient Chlorpyriphos 50% W/W & Cypermethrin 5% W/W with balance emulsifiers and solvent. Cyborg 505 effectively controls pest complex on cotton.
₹50.00 – ₹200.00
Cypermet 10 is a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide containing Cypermethrin a.i. 10% by mass and balance other relevant ingredients.
₹50.00 – ₹200.00
Cypermet 25 is a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide containing Cypermethrin a.i. 25% by mass and balance other relevant ingredients.
₹200.00 – ₹500.00
Disfur is a water dispersible granule containing 80% sulphur as an active ingredient and balance adjuvants 20% W/W. Disfur is a contact fungicide.