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₹50.00 – ₹200.00
Ascent is a broad-spectrum systemic fungicide which effectively controls the diseases of crops. It is used both as curative and preventive for control of diseases in field crops and vegetables.
Atakill WP
Atakill WP is a copper based broad spectrum fungicide which controls the fungal as well as bacterial diseases by its contact action. It also effectively controls the fungus resistant to other fungicides. Due to its fine particles, it sticks to the leaves and helps to restrict the growth of the
Carzeb WP
₹50.00 – ₹300.00
Carzeb WP is a wettable powder formulation with a unique broad spectrum, systemic & contact action. It can be used for both protective & curative purposes. Because of the dual effect of Mancozeb (63%) and Carbendazim (12%) combination, it provides excellent disease control for various important diseases on number of
₹200.00 – ₹500.00
Disfur is a water dispersible granule containing 80% sulphur as an active ingredient and balance adjuvants 20% W/W. Disfur is a contact fungicide.
Elanta Hexacon
₹50.00 – ₹300.00
Elanta Hexacon is a broad spectrum, systemic Triazole fungicide having protective, curative, eradicant and antisporulant activity.
Elanta M45
₹50.00 – ₹200.00
Elanta M45 is a contact fungicide of Di thiocarbamate group, which controls the growth of fungus and spread of disease in variety of crops.
Elaxyl 35
₹100.00 – ₹300.00
Elaxyl 35 is a systemic fungicide used for seed treatment against various fungal diseases in various crops.
Elaxyl M-64
₹50.00 – ₹200.00
Elaxyl M-64 is a wettable powder containing a mixture of the systemic fungicide Metalaxyl and the contact fungicide Mancozeb. It is a broad-spectrum fungicide that controls diseases through both preventive and curative action.
Inventa Super
₹50.00 – ₹300.00
Inventa Super is a broad-spectrum systemic fungicide of benzimidazole group. It acts by both protective and curative action.
₹50.00 – ₹500.00
Syndex is a systemic fungicide containing Myclobutanil as an active ingredient. Syndex is effective wettable powder formulation having dual action of preventing and controlling Powdery mildew.
₹100.00 – ₹200.00
Validel containing Validamycin 3% L is an antifungal preparation and antibiotic compound. Validel is widely used to control sheath blight on Rice.