CIB RC No. – CIR-138048/2017-Thiamethoxam (WG) (374)-708
Technical Name – Thiamethoxam 25% WG.
Mode of Action – Actrela acts on a specific protein in the brain of pest insects (the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor), inhibiting their feeding reflex. After food intake, healthy aphids stay nearly motionless on the leaf. After uptake of Actrela, the sucking insect stops feeding and even if death is delayed for 24 hours, the effects are comparable to knock-down compounds, since the feeding stop is irreversible. Affected sucking insects do not penetrate the plant tissue again. Actrela exhibits excellent trans-stemic (translaminar & systemic) movement in the plant tissue. Actrela quickly penetrates the leaf to form a reservoir of active ingredient which results in extended residual control.
Benefits –
- Actrela is a broad-spectrum insecticide.
- Actrela is a systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action.
- Actrela belongs to the neonicotinoids class of insecticides.
- Actrela is a novel insecticide for controlling various sucking insect pests in many crops.
- Actrela is a very good insecticide for various sucking pests which have developed resistance to other conventional insecticides.
- Actrela has good translaminar action.
- Due to translaminar and systemic action, Actrela is easily absorbed and translocated in the whole plant therefore effectively controlling the hiding insects.
- Actrela has quick and long-duration control.
- Actrela has a good rain fastness property.
- Actrela is rapidly taken up into the plants and has acropetal movement through the xylem.
- Actrela is almost compatible with other insecticides.
- Actrela leaves no residue which means target specific and is environmentally highly acceptable.
- Actrela is comparatively safer for beneficial insects.
- Actrela is suitable for Integrated Pest Management.
- Actrela is well suited for application as a foliar spray, drench or drip irrigation.
Available Packing – 100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm, 1 Kg.
Shelf Life – Two Years.
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