CIB RC No. – CIR-174883/2020-Carbendazim + Mancozeb (WP) (423) – 1831
Technical Name – Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP
Mode of Action – It is a mixture of Mancozeb and Carbendazim. Mancozeb remains on the plant surface and acts by contact action (Preventive). It is fungitoxic when exposed to air. Carbendazim, which is having systemic activity (absorbed through roots and green tissues), acts as protective and curative agent.
Benefits –
- Carzeb WP is effective against many disease complexes on large number of crops used in seed treatment, nursery/soil drenching, fruit/rhizome/tuber dip and foliar sprays. Also helps to speed up germination and seedling growth.
- Carzeb WP Provides Manganese and Zinc nutrition to crops, thereby keeps plant greener and healthier.
- Carzeb WP is better for seed borne diseases, particularly when fungi like Rhizoctonia and Fusarium occur in association with oomycetes like Pythium/Phytophthora
- Carzeb WP has multisite activity prevents in developing disease resistance.
- Carzeb WP stimulates plant growth & vigour, enhances flowering and ultimately increases yield. In fruit crops, better results are obtained if sprayed at bud emergence stage.
- Carzeb WP demonstrates very less waiting period. May be used up to the day of harvest as it is environment friendly & degrades very rapidly in soil which makes it safe for beneficial insects.
Available Packing – 100gm, 250gm, 500gm, 1Kg.
Shelf Life – Two Years.
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