CIB RC No. – CIR-138050/2017-Glyphosate (SL) (374)-773
Technical Name – Glyphosate 41% S.L.
Mode of Action – Elphos 41 is a non-selective, systemic herbicide of Organophosphorus group, which inhibits the EPPS synthesis in weed plant. Inhibition of this enzyme prevents the production of aromatic amino acids required for protein synthesis within the plant. Lack of the protein synthesis results the death of treated plants. Due to its non-selective action, Elphos 41 kills all types of weeds.
Benefits –
- Elphos 41 is a non-selective and systemic herbicide.
- Elphos 41 is a post-emergence herbicide for the control of annual perennial, broadleaf and grassy weeds.
- Elphos 41 is easily biodegradable & non-volatile in nature.
- Elphos 41 is a systemic herbicide, kills the weeds by inhibiting the EPPS synthesis in weed plant.
- Being a non-selective herbicide, Elphos 41 effectively kills all types of weeds.
- Elphos 41 is widely used in non-crop areas, open fields, bunds and water channels.
- Elphos 41 is also used in tea crop to control various weeds.
- Elphos 41 is rapidly absorbed leaves and translocated to the root system/rhizomes of weed plants.
- Elphos 41 kills the plant from the root within one to two weeks of its application.
- Elphos 41 is also effective against the weeds which are difficult to control.
- Elphos 41 is also effective to kill the aquatic weeds efficiently.
- Elphos 41 does not have any residual effect on the germination of any crop grown after its application.
Available Packing – 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Lit, 5 Lit.
Shelf Life – Two Years.
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